The ranch was first purchased by our great, great grandfather, James Clayton Stribling, Sr, who moved to Texas in the 1860's. He began leasing land to graze cattle and eventually saved enough to begin purchasing his own land. Our ranch, Stillwaters Ranch, was purchased by him in 1882. Our great grandfather, Dan Stribling took over the operations of this ranch and raised his family here. Our grandmother and her four siblings were born in a little rock house on Honey Creek.
We, Will and Clayton Leverett, are the current fifth-generation owners who own, manage, and continue the long legacy of ranching. We run a cow-calf operation consisting of Brangus cattle, have hunting operations including both annual leases and guided trophy whitetail hunts, offer world-class trophy bass fishing, and have even begun to open the ranch for off-roading events a few times a year. Will currently lives and works in Austin, TX designing and managing online games. Clayton lives on the ranch with his wife, Julie, and two sons, Whitman and Hudson. Clayton also owns a ranch brokerage firm based in Llano, Texas called Stillwaters Land Co., LLC.